Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cats (and other animals)

I love cats. This is a rather obvious thing to notice, as it is in everything I own, everything I do, everything I say. I have tons of cat t-shirts, I have stacks of cat posters, I have mugs with cats on them, I share cats on my Facebook, they are everywhere around me. All the clothes I own are covered in cat hair. Why? Because I love them. Why do I love them? Well that gets complicated. Some reasons are quantifiable, some are not. It's like trying to explain why you love your significant other. At some point in the conversation, you just say "I just do!" I just love them.

This isn't to say I don't love other animals. Just because I am a cat lover does not mean that I am a dog-hater. I grew up on a small farm. We had lots of cats, one or two dogs, several horses, a few rabbits, a pair of guinea pigs, and some goldfish. So I like most animals. I think a lot of them are just as smart, if not smarter, than a lot of humans. Of course, that's not saying much...

What I don't understand is people who hurt animals on purpose? Just because they can't talk in a way you understand doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to them. When I hear about them, I want to do to them what they did to the animal.

I'm a fan of rescue. Almost all of our pets are rescue. At some point someone didn't want them, so we took them. Most of them came from or through a family friend, who does animal rescue. We don't take purebreds, someone else is more likely to want them. We like our mutts. Or, as is increasingly the case with dogs, designer animals. Who came up with that? Dogs that they used to almost pay people to take away now cost hundreds of dollars! But I love them anyway.

Everyone says that I'm probably going to end up the crazy cat lady. Just old me, and a dozen cats. Which, I have to admit, is possible if I am single at that age. Or any age, actually. I would have more cats living with me right now if it wasn't for the cost to have them in my apartment, and the fact that my current cat is a little psycho and prefers to be an only child.

Pets are good for your health. They can be fun or relaxing. There are plenty of breeds of each species to choose from, you can find one an animal that has an appropriate energy level and size for your living situation. I recommend adopting a pet, especially one from a shelter, because they need love the most. They will be forever grateful.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Nerdiness. What this blog was supposed to be about. I got kinda sidetracked. And.... kinda forgot about it in general. When I started writing, I realized that I had been rather influenced by Single Dad Laughing... and that there are a lot of things in this world that need to be spoken about. Never heard of Single Dad Laughing? Go there. Now. Well.. as soon as you're done here of course. Cuz he's pretty awesome.

Anyway. I got sidetracked. Again. As usual. I figured that today was a good of a day as any to talk about something that I am slightly obsessed with. And by slightly obsessed, I mean that I own all the books, all the movies, and can discuss the entire history of it. I'm talking about Star Wars. If you're a Trekie.... well... I'll tolerate you as long as you're participating in the Star Alliance. Haven't heard of that either? Go look it up. In short, it's George Takei's idea. He suggested that the nerd banned together against one of the greatest threats to literature ever: Twilight. *Shudder* If you're not a nerd, I don't really care as long as you don't bash on people for being nerdy. Cuz we will rule the world.... someday.

Star Wars. I've realized that I'm not as big of a fan of the movies. Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of movies in general. However, I will read the books. Even the ones based off the movies. I own almost all the books. If I don't own it, I've probably read it. If not, there's always the fact that I have The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. And have read it. Cover to cover. All 3 volumes. I don't remember everything.... But I do know a lot. And there's the real world stuff. From the making of the movies, the actors, to the fan groups like the 501st. Those guys are awesome. In fact, Star Wars is what set me on my current path to become a computer programmer. Why? 2 words. R2-D2. He is so cool! Imagine if we had droids like that. Of course, there are some problems with droids.... Like IG-88, who started out as an assassin droid, worked as a bounty hunter, all while trying to take over the galaxy. But it got destroyed, so it's okay now.

Personally, I think we need more nerdiness. It's perfectly fine to be a "nerd." Or a "geek." Nothing wrong with that. Remember that kid that you make/made fun of in middle school? He/she might end up being your boss someday. Or your tech support. And the world needs more people in the "nerdy" fields, STEM. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. I think.) It is what will help us survive the coming centuries. As population rises, we need new and better ways to do almost everything. Or even better, to leave Earth. Not that being non-nerdy is a bad thing, we just need more people willing to do more things. So many things, so little time....

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Politics. I HATE politics. And politicians. Maybe I've read to much Star Wars, but I have this view that pretty much all politicians are corrupt, or don't actually care about those that they're representing. While this is probably not true, they're not doing much to disabuse me of this notion. With pizza being a vegetable, internet censorship, the new terrorist act, and the economy, it makes me wonder whether or not most politicians even have brains. I mean, come on. The world is collapsing around us, and they're arguing about whether or not pizza is a vegetable??? Who elected these people? Oh right.. that was us. Well, you guys. I haven't registered to vote yet. I might though, at this rate.

But I have this problem. I don't want to vote. All the options suck, and I just end up wanting to destroy things. It would help, however, to have someone explain to me all sides of the argument. I had that happen the other day, and suddenly the issue made a lot more sense. I didn't completely agree with him, of course, but I got where he was coming from. Unfortunately, everyone only presents their side. I suppose if I wanted to, I could go out and find more opinions, but I haven't gotten around to it.... Call me lazy if you like, but I have more immediate things to worry about, especially since I can't figure out a way to fix these problems. Besides restarting the world. And that's not gonna happen.

Mostly what I hear about is how the Republicans are hindering everything. Well, everything that might actually help. It just seems to me that every time something that might actually fix things comes along, the Republicans block it, or try to add things that would either make it irrelevant, or that are unrelated to the issue. And before anyone starts ranting at me for being anti Republican, this is just what I'm hearing. And that I don't entirely understand what's going on.

Occupy. Started out seeming like a good thing, but as an argument between my friends on Facebook showed me, it has lost direction. It needs that, a purpose, a focus, something. Anything.

And that's the end of my ranting for the moment. Check back later for more ranting, random info, and stuff. Bye!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 1

DISCLAIMER! Even though this blog is called "The Nerd Spot," the topics at hand will not always be nerdy! It's called this because I am a nerd, so if nerdy stuff comes up, you won't be surprised. Because it will happen a lot. This blog will be about whatever I feel like saying, so it won't be politically correct, and if I offend you, you can go perform a procreative anatomical impossibility. If you start complaining about your offendedness in the comments, I will not appease you, and if you continue, I will figure out a way to block you, or at least make you suffer. Same goes for trolls. I hate trolling. And please keep swearing to a minimum. A little I can tolerate, a lot gets the same as offended people and trolls. And it also goes for anyone who annoys me. I am under no obligations to make you happy, or to accommodate you, or even be nice to you.

Before you get the impression that I am a horrible person and you should go somewhere else, I'm really not. I just have very strong opinions about aforementioned subjects. But I have interests that don't involve blocking everyone who annoys me. Things such as reading, Star Wars, cats, computers, and random stuff that may or may not have any relevance to anything. Randomness is what is going to happen.

And as a warning, I have a tendency of quoting things without referencing it. A lot. So if you get confuzled, things I usually quote involve Star Wars, Brad Stine, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Lord of the Rings, and some that I'm not remembering right now.

So... Yeah. Post Number 1. Lets see how many people care. Ready? GO!