Anyway. I got sidetracked. Again. As usual. I figured that today was a good of a day as any to talk about something that I am slightly obsessed with. And by slightly obsessed, I mean that I own all the books, all the movies, and can discuss the entire history of it. I'm talking about Star Wars. If you're a Trekie.... well... I'll tolerate you as long as you're participating in the Star Alliance. Haven't heard of that either? Go look it up. In short, it's George Takei's idea. He suggested that the nerd banned together against one of the greatest threats to literature ever: Twilight. *Shudder* If you're not a nerd, I don't really care as long as you don't bash on people for being nerdy. Cuz we will rule the world.... someday.
Star Wars. I've realized that I'm not as big of a fan of the movies. Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of movies in general. However, I will read the books. Even the ones based off the movies. I own almost all the books. If I don't own it, I've probably read it. If not, there's always the fact that I have The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. And have read it. Cover to cover. All 3 volumes. I don't remember everything.... But I do know a lot. And there's the real world stuff. From the making of the movies, the actors, to the fan groups like the 501st. Those guys are awesome. In fact, Star Wars is what set me on my current path to become a computer programmer. Why? 2 words. R2-D2. He is so cool! Imagine if we had droids like that. Of course, there are some problems with droids.... Like IG-88, who started out as an assassin droid, worked as a bounty hunter, all while trying to take over the galaxy. But it got destroyed, so it's okay now.
Personally, I think we need more nerdiness. It's perfectly fine to be a "nerd." Or a "geek." Nothing wrong with that. Remember that kid that you make/made fun of in middle school? He/she might end up being your boss someday. Or your tech support. And the world needs more people in the "nerdy" fields, STEM. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. I think.) It is what will help us survive the coming centuries. As population rises, we need new and better ways to do almost everything. Or even better, to leave Earth. Not that being non-nerdy is a bad thing, we just need more people willing to do more things. So many things, so little time....
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